White Sage & Dragon's Blood Fumigation Stick
White Sage & Dragon's Blood Fumigation Stick
Dragon's Blood, also called red sage, is Californian white sage steeped in red-colored resinous sap, called Dragon's Blood. This colorful resin is extracted from the rattan palm. Dragon Blood fumigation is used to purify places and the body, but also to restore people's energy.
White sage:
White Sage is known for eliminating heavy energies such as bad vibes, entities, charged places. It allows the opening of the heart and conscience. Used since the dawn of time by Native American Shamans, sage remains the best purifier.
Dragon's Blood:
The Blood of the Dragon chases away low energies, purifies, protects from evil and negative forces, attracts love, reinforces positive vibrations.
To use it, you must light the stick and fan it using your hand, a fan or like the Native Americans with a feather.
You must then pass the fumigation stick all over the house, or in other places, paying particular attention to the corners. Do not hesitate to open all the cupboards beforehand so that the smoke can also reach them. After going everywhere, turn off the stick which will be reusable later (at least two or three uses).
Avoid breathing too much smoke, open the windows of the house to ventilate and create a slight draft.